The Pursuit of Happiness


There is a reason why the word “pursuit” is there – it’s physics; a fundamental law of the universe.

Let’s look at a simple examples:

Cleaning – we clean our houses, cars, and weed our gardens. The more time we put into this, the more beautiful these are, and the more our garden produces for us! If we stop cleaning and tending – even just for 2 days – order quickly turns to disorder – even if left for a few days, the weeds start to grow, dust and dirt gather. Order quickly turns to disorder

The concept of order to disorder affects us humans also – there is a well established fact, which is written In the science work (physics) – it is called THERMODYNAMICS – without getting too “nerdy” here, the 2nd law states there is a natural tendency of any system to degenerate to a more disordered state or – if energy is not spent to keep it in order – it’s a fundamental law of the universe.

We all want to be healthy – life happens and we get busy – we don’t do the work – we don’t maintain our health emotionally; spiritually or physically- we go from order to disorder quickly – how do we live well when this law of the universe rules? If we do things like working on our physical; mental and emotional health, constantly , we stop fighting this law and WE FLOW WITH LIFE – we need to accept that this is what it takes and stop thinking that it’s unfair or hard – we need to find a way TO continually clean our bodies, minds and spirit – and enjoy life!

We have many services to help you do THE WORK – and have fun while you do!

  • Yoga – spirit, mindset

  • Pilates – physical body, brain to body connection

  • Barre – Strong, Powerful, Fit

  • Nutrition services – nourish, hydrate to clean and thrive.

All with the most loving, caring and clever teachers. We would really love to help you FLOW WITH LIFE.




Shoulders: The Forgotten Joint