Boosting Your Immune System
We thought we would post some information from the World Health Organization, on how to improve your immune system – which is particularly relevant in these times, but it also improves overall health and wellbeing also!
Simple Steps to Boosting Your Immune System
The principles involved in boosting your immune system are quite simple. The first goal is to make sure that you provide the immune system with vital nutrients by consuming a health-promoting diet and utilising proper nutritional supplementation. A deficiency of virtually any single nutrient can significantly impair immunity. The next step is following a healthy lifestyle that includes getting enough sleep and engaging in a regular exercise program. Supplying optimal nutrition and learning to effectively deal with stress go a long way in supporting central control mechanisms to keep the immune system functioning in a peak state. Boosting your immune system not only increases your resistance to colds and flu and other infections but also can help protect yourself against chronic diseases.
Find out more and learn some key things about boosting your immune system here!
In the meantime, here’s what we need from you:
Don’t panic, or worry!
Hand washing is critical because it helps prevent the spread of all viruses and bacteria, especially through the hand to mouth/face/nose route.
We are preventing anyone with coughs, colds, fever from coming into work or to take part in classes. We ask that you use your best judgement here. If you are coughing or sneezing in class, we will encourage you to leave the room. Our strong advice is that if you are exhibiting any symptoms then please stay away until symptoms subside.
Anyone who does cough or sneeze should use tissues and dispose of them safely in closed bins and then wash their hands as soon as possible.
Avoid kissing, hugging and the sharing of water bottles and cups at the studio. We recommend you use your own mats and that you regularly sanitise them.
We all unconsciously or consciously touch our face, nose, eyes, head ears at least 15 times an hour if not more. Contamination on the hands from surfaces can enter the body through these vulnerable routes. Avoid this as much as possible. New levels of personal hygiene required.
Good personal hygiene is key to preventing the spread of many diseases.