Get Started!

We welcome you to our wonderful studios at Emerald Pilates.

If you have not experienced Equipment based Pilates before, it’s a good idea to book an initial 1-hour consultation. During this session, we will ask about your goals, current pathologies, any injuries, determine a suitable class style for you. We will show you how to use the equipment, so you can hit the ground running when you come to classes and feel happy and confident. We will also take you through our studio policies and booking system.  

Initial Consults are $100 and held at Studio 2 (our Clinical Studio).

If you have experienced Reformer or Clinical / Studio Pilates before you may not need an initial consultation, however we would like to make time for a phone conversation so we can get to know each other and ensure the onboarding process for you is smooth.

We have two Studios on Kilvington Drive, Emerald.

  • Studio 1 (Shop 5, 5-7 Kilvington Drive – next door to Hewstone Hairdresser) is where we hold our Reformer and Barre classes.

  • Studio 2 (Shop 9, 5-7 Kilvington Drive – next door to Lovejoys $2 Shop) is where we hold our Clinical/Rehabilitative and Mat Pilates classes.

Online Booking System

We have an online booking system using the Mindbody App and will help you navigate this until you are completely confident. If you find this challenging – please contact us and we can arrange a different way for you to book in, e.g, – you can pay cash, or transfer funds, and we can do the bookings for you.

To book your initial session please contact us:

Call or text 0407 049 478 | Email 


  • “After a fall off my horse in February 2017, (I’ll never forget Valentine’s Day!), I ended up with a fractured back in three places. Sadly as we get older we don’t bounce any more. Once the fractures were healed, I started with many sessions of deep tissue massage, acupuncture, heat and infrared therapy to loosen the muscles that were jammed. I was completely unstable, and riding was an issue because my balance was not great. I decided to try Pilates, and I hated but loved it all the same. It’s helped with my riding, and my all over wellbeing. Di is such an inspiration, and pushes us to be our best. Aside from regular chiropractic sessions, Pilates is the only exercise I use to keep my body going. If you haven’t been, go, you’ll be surprised how great your body can work! Thanks Di and the amazing team she has created for us all."

    Claudia Gilbert

  • "I have found the yoga classes an excellent way to relax and let go of things in my personal life. It is good to concentrate on balance, stretching and coordinating. The breathing exercises are quite meditative as your mind and body come into sync. I found it easy to let go of my troubles and relax with attentive positive instruction from the class facilitators. They often give examples with their body shape on how to do the movements and let you know that they are only a guide and its up to you to pick your own path in the class. The philosophy that has been taught to me from the instructors has been quite helpful and encourages peace and self love within oneself. My monkey mind can play tricks on me and get my attention but in yoga class you can switch off to that and get in-tune with the body in a meditative and challenging way physically. I enjoy the camaraderie at class with many likeminded peaceful people going to class in a welcoming and inclusive way."

    Stephen Spiller

  • “Emerald Pilates has helped me live my life to the full – horse riding, bike riding and sailing – feeling alive and young – in my 70’s!”


  • “Pilates is the BEST – for your body, your mind, and your emotional energy”.


  • “Thank you for bringing Pilates to my life – and now sharing it with my 2 young daughters and husband – helping them grow strong and be FEARLESS – we can do anything”.


  • “Pilates is my safe space where I feel welcome, not judged and can smile and laugh”.


  • “From needing surgery – to not needing surgery. To living in pain, to having no pain – this is life changing and life saving”.
